
From The Magical Mixture Mill Wiki
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Icon Name Essence Flavor Potency Stability Hostility OptimalMixture FarmingLocations ByProduct Of:
Brain Fungus.png Brain Fungus Mind Earthy Lucidity IV 3 Stable Docile Intellect 6 Not as bad as it sounds, but also not great. {{{Locations}}}
Cloud Shroom.png Cloud Shroom Energy Earthy Swiftness V 4 Unstable Docile True Sight 8 Radiates a sickly glow, maling anyone nearby nauseous, tired and dizzy. But other than that, it's harmless. {{{Locations}}}
Dream Sac.png Dream Sac Mind Bland Lucidity V 4 Stable Hostile Deep Slumber 8 Dream-filled pouches collected from Dreamsnatchers. {{{Locations}}}
Ghost Spore.png Ghost Spore Soul Earthy Brightness III 2 Unstable Docile Forgetfulness 4 A phantomtastic little fungus that glows in the dark, which makes it really easy to spot. {{{Locations}}}
Glo-Wing.png Glo-Wing Energy Savory Swiftness II 2 Stable Docile Luck 3 It glows AND it flies?! Neat. marker=Glo-Wing}} Crater]
Glo-Wing.png Glo-Wing Energy Savory Swiftness II 2 Stable Docile Luck 3 It glows AND it flies?! Neat. marker=Glo-Wing}} Crater]
Gloom Bloom.png Gloom Bloom Death Bland Deadliness I 1 Stable Docile Invisibility 2 A dark, beautiful flower that really seems to snuff out any joy. {{{Locations}}}
Glowlight Nub.png Glowlight Nub Soul Bland Brightness IV 3 Unstable Hostile Wisdom 6 Less flashy when severed from the main Glowlight stem, but still just as potent. {{{Locations}}}
Go-Go-Berry.png Go-Go-Berry Energy Sweet Swiftness I 1 Unstable Docile Haste 2 Some people like to eat wake up and eat these before they gogo. marker=Go-Go-Berry}} LowerWoods]
God Wheat.png God Wheat Soul Earthy Brightness I 1 Stable Docile Cure Disease 2 No other wheat even comes close! And that's not really saying a lot. {{{Locations}}}
Gusto Grub.png Gusto Grub Life Savory Passion II 2 Stable Docile Charisma 3 A wiggly, mushy little bundle of love. {{{Locations}}}
Hyper Dung.png Hyper Dung Energy Savory Swiftness III 2 Unstable Docile Agility 4 It's poop. {{{Locations}}}
Klaphat Sample.png Klaphat Sample Energy Earthy Swiftness IV 3 Stable Hostile Strength 6 Klaphats are an invasive, aggressive and barely sentient species from the north. {{{Locations}}}
Life Lemon.png Life Lemon Life Sweet Passion III 2 Stable Docile Healing 4 When lemon gives you life... {{{Locations}}}
Mageroot.png Mageroot Mind Earthy Lucidity I 1 Stable Docile Mana 2 A mind-altering little root that grows in the most unlikely places - which grealy amuses mages. No one knows why. marker=Mageroot}} Ruins]
Mageroot.png Mageroot Mind Earthy Lucidity I 1 Stable Docile Mana 2 A mind-altering little root that grows in the most unlikely places - which grealy amuses mages. No one knows why. marker=Mageroot}} Quarry]
Mama Longfangs.png Mama Longfangs Death Savory Deadliness II 2 Stable Docile Antivenom 3 Also known as the mother of all spiders...which of course is factually incorrect. {{{Locations}}}
Mandrake Bud.png Mandrake Bud Mind Bland Lucidity III 2 Unstable Hostile Rejuvenation 4 The buds of a mandrake are actually much more potent than the root...and less loud. {{{Locations}}}
Noxious Seed.png Noxious Seed Death Bland Deadliness III 2 Unstable Hostile Poison 4 All that remains from an exploding Noxious Bulb. {{{Locations}}}
Proudcap.png Proudcap Life Earthy Passion I 1 Stable Docile Vitality 2 Slightly longer and much prouder than the average shroom. marker=Proudcap}} Shop]
Proudcap.png Proudcap Life Earthy Passion I 1 Stable Docile Vitality 2 Slightly longer and much prouder than the average shroom. marker=Proudcap}} Ruins]
Proudcap.png Proudcap Life Earthy Passion I 1 Stable Docile Vitality 2 Slightly longer and much prouder than the average shroom. marker=Proudcap}} Wetlands]
Proudcap.png Proudcap Life Earthy Passion I 1 Stable Docile Vitality 2 Slightly longer and much prouder than the average shroom. marker=Proudcap}} Wetlands]
Psyche Tick.png Psyche Tick Mind Savory Lucidity II 2 Unstable Docile Levitation 3 These little nasty bastards feed on your mind instead of your blood. {{{Locations}}}
Throbheart.png Throbheart Life Savory Passion IV 3 Unstable Docile Love 6 Pulses and throbs like a beating heart. Beautiful and disgusting at the same time - again, like a heart. {{{Locations}}}
White Knight.png White Knight Soul Savory Brightness II 2 Stable Docile Brief Invulnerability 3 Just as pure, but not as robust as the name would suggest. {{{Locations}}}
Wigglecup Tendril.png Wigglecup Tendril Life Savory Passion V 4 Stable Hostile Enlargement 8 It's still wiggling... {{{Locations}}}
Wisp Egg.png Wisp Egg Soul Savory Brightness V 4 Stable Docile Resistance 8 To think that these small capsules will one day turn into pure, innocent wisps...anyway, let's boil them. {{{Locations}}}
Witch's Hat.png Witch’s Hat Death Earthy Deadliness V 4 Stable Hostile Lift Curse 8 A typical example of witch stereotypes. Not all witches wear pointy hats! {{{Locations}}}
Withersap.png Withersap Death Bland Deadliness IV 3 Unstable Hostile Cat's Eye 6 Sticky, smelly and poisonous. What's not to love? {{{Locations}}}