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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Glowlight would like to give everyone the chance to experience the game and solve challenges for themselves without undesired spoilers. With this in mind, the questions are written to not give anything away to someone who hasn't reached that stage of the game, and answers are generally written to give a nudge in the right direction without spoiling the fun. All are welcome to contribute your own tips to the list with this in mind.


Q: How can I help influence the development of this game?

A: Easy! Join our Discord Discord

Q: Where can I see the current roadmap?

Starting Out

Q: How crucial is my choice of class?

A: At the moment, while they have some slightly different abilities that only affect gathering ingredients. The rest of the game is identical. If you like, you can try them all out for a few minutes to see which ability you like best, and then procede with no fear of missing out.

Q: Where is Odie?

A: Look near the Broken Cart in the eastern part of Outskirts. He later moves further east into the Old Woods.

Q: Where is Tully?

A: Outskirts - East of the main road and west of the Mine.

Q: Where is the cargo lift?

A: Look to the right of your bed

Q: Why doesn't Cecil the Paladin buy any potions?

A: Have patience. He is looking for something that requires more than just the Extractor to brew.

Q: How do I brew new potions?

A: Place ingredients in the extractor to see if something new will pop out.


Q: Where can I find Throbheart or Moonlight Dust?

A: Future Release

Q: Do all of the potions have "Optimal Ingredients"?

A: There are 25 mixtures and 18 ingredients currently, so not yet. There will be for v1.0

Q: How do I get in to the Ruins in the northeast corner of the Old Woods?

A: Look carefully at the tree to the left of the blocked entrance

Q: How many teleporters are there currently? Will there be more?

A: There are currently 3. We are evaluating where to place more.

Q: I have found all of the Edibles except one. What am I likely missing and where is it?

A: Truffles. They can be found under tree stumps

Q: I read the previous answer, looked everywhere, and am still "stumped"

A: Try the Old Woods


Q: My game is locked up at 7:59am when trying to start a new day

A: This is a bug that should be fixed soon. Use Ctrl-Alt-Del to end the game, restart the game and just hit Continue. The prior day saved, so you don't lose anything other than a few minutes irl. We regret the temporary inconvenience

Q: Is there controller support?

A: Offically, not yet - but coming by v1.0. Unofficially, Steam does support using a controller to replace WASD movement and adjust mappings from controller to keyboard controls. Some have reported good experience with this, especially when exploring/gathering.