View table: Recipes

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Table structure:

  1. Name - String
  2. NumEssences - Integer
  3. Color - String
  4. GlowColor - String
  5. Description - Text
  6. OptimalIngredient - Page
  7. Essence1 - Page
  8. Essence2 - Page
  9. Essence3 - Page
  10. BaseValue - Integer
  11. IdealRatio - String

This table has 25 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Name NumEssences Color GlowColor Description OptimalIngredient Essence1 Essence2 Essence3 BaseValue IdealRatio
Agility (edit) Agility 2 #FFFFFF Agility Description Hyper Dung Death Energy 42 Energy > Death
Antivenom (edit) Antivenom 2 #6CA381 Antivenom Description Mama Longfangs Death Soul 46 Death > Soul
Brief Invulnerability (edit) Brief Invulnerability 3 #D2DEB8 #FFFFFF Brief Invulnerability Description White Knight Energy Life Soul 68 Life > Energy, Energy = Soul
Cat's Eye (edit) Cat's Eye 2 #15156B Cat's Eye Description Withersap Death Mind 40 Death > Mind
Charisma (edit) Charisma 2 #FF96CD Charisma Description Proudcap Life Soul 40 Soul > Life
Cure Disease (edit) Cure Disease 1 #DAFEFE Cure Disease Description God Wheat Soul 16 Soul
Deep Slumber (edit) Deep Slumber 3 #754793 #FFFFFF Deep Slumber Description Dream Sac Death Life Mind 64 Mind > Life, Mind > Death
Enlarge (edit) Enlargement 3 #CB69FB #FFFFFF Enlarge Description Wigglecup Tendril Energy Life Mind 62 Life > Mind, Mind = Energy
Forgetfulness (edit) Forgetfulness 3 #214877 #FFFFFF Forgetfulness Description Ghost Spore Death Mind Soul 72 Mind = Death, Death > Soul
Haste (edit) Haste 1 #FFF040 Haste Description Go-Go-Berry Energy 12 Energy
Healing (edit) Healing 1 #F9454B Healing Description Life Lemon Life 8 Life
Intellect (edit) Intellect 2 #47EFB5 Intellect Description Brain Fungus Energy Mind 38 Mind > Energy
Invisibility (edit) Invisibility 3 #41D8B3 #FFFFFF Invisibility Description Cloud Shroom Death Energy Soul 74 Energy > Soul, Energy > Death
Levitation (edit) Levitation 3 #B9C9FC #FFFFFF Levitation Description Psyche Tick Energy Mind Soul 70 Mind > Energy, Soul > Energy
Lift Curse (edit) Lift Curse 3 #D59B82 #FFFFFF Lift Curse Description Witchs Hat Death Life Soul 70 Death > Life, Death > Soul
Love (edit) Love 3 #F6ABE5 #FFFFFF Love Description Throbheart Mind Life Soul 66 Life > Mind, Soul > Mind
Luck (edit) Luck 3 #BF4E1A #FFFFFF Luck Description Glo-Wing Death Energy Life 66 Life > Energy, Death > Energy
Mana (edit) Mana 1 #2F55FF Mana Description Mageroot Mind 10 Mind
Poison (edit) Poison 1 #204011 Poison Description Noxious Seed Death 14 Death
Rejuvenation (edit) Rejuvenation 2 #BB43FF Rejuvenation Description Mandrake Bud Life Mind 34 Life > Mind
Resistance (edit) Resistance 2 #96D01C Resistance Description Wisp Egg Energy Soul 44 Energy > Soul
Strength (edit) Strength 2 #FF902E Strength Description Klaphat Sample Energy Life 36 Energy > Life
True Sight (edit) True Sight 3 #9AE75A #FFFFFF True Sight Description Gloom Bloom Death Energy Mind 68 Energy > Death, Death > Mind
Vitality (edit) Vitality 2 #801516 Vitality Description Proudcap Death Life 38 Life > Death
Wisdom (edit) Wisdom 2 #74C1FF Wisdom Description Gusto Grub Mind Soul 42 Mind > Soul