View table: ItemType

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  1. Name - String
  2. Description - Text

This table has 8 rows altogether.

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Page Name Description
Bottle (edit) Bottle Containers for mixtures
Crafted (edit) Crafted Items that are the output of a workstation, excluding Bottles and Potions. In some cases, they can also be found in the wild
Edible (edit) Edible Secondary items used as input to enhance potions (i.e. seasoning) in certain workstations. Also have beneficial effects when eaten raw.
Ingredient (edit) Ingredient Primary items used as input to produce potions. Also have beneficial effects when eaten raw.
Material (edit) Material Raw Materials obtained by resource gathering throughout the world
Potion (edit) Potion Mixtures in a bottle! Used for selling to customers and fulfilling quests. When needed, can be ingested to clear system of any effects.
Trash (edit) Trash Used for a limited number of upgrades/quests. Can be sold for 1 coin.
Valuable (edit) Valuable Gemstones and other valuables. Primary use is for upgrades. While having higher values than other items, there is limited benefit in exporting them past the beginning of the game.