View table: Ingredients

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Table structure:

  1. Name - String
  2. Essence - Page
  3. Flavor - Page
  4. Effect - Page
  5. Potency - Integer
  6. Stability - String
  7. Hostility - String
  8. OptimalMixture - Page
  9. ExportValue - Integer
  10. Description - Text
  11. FarmingLocations - Text
  12. Icon - File

This table has 25 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Name Essence Flavor Effect Potency Stability Hostility OptimalMixture ExportValue Description FarmingLocations Icon
Brain Fungus (edit) Brain Fungus Mind Earthy Lucidity IV 3 Stable Docile Intellect 6 Not as bad as it sounds, but also not great.
Cloud Shroom (edit) Cloud Shroom Energy Earthy Swiftness V 4 Unstable Docile True Sight 8 Radiates a sickly glow, maling anyone nearby nauseous, tired and dizzy. But other than that, it's harmless. Ancient Ruins in the Old Woods
Dream Sac (edit) Dream Sac Mind Bland Lucidity V 4 Stable Hostile Deep Slumber 8 Dream-filled pouches collected from Dreamsnatchers.
Ghost Spore (edit) Ghost Spore Soul Earthy Brightness III 2 Unstable Docile Forgetfulness 4 A phantomtastic little fungus that glows in the dark, which makes it really easy to spot.
Glo-Wing (edit) Glo-Wing Energy Savory Swiftness II 2 Stable Docile Luck 3 It glows AND it flies?! Neat.
Gloom Bloom (edit) Gloom Bloom Death Bland Deadliness I 1 Stable Docile Invisibility 2 A dark, beautiful flower that really seems to snuff out any joy.
Glowlight Nub (edit) Glowlight Nub Soul Bland Brightness IV 3 Unstable Hostile Wisdom 6 Less flashy when severed from the main Glowlight stem, but still just as potent. Bubbling Bog
Glowlight Nub.png
Go-Go-Berry (edit) Go-Go-Berry Energy Sweet Swiftness I 1 Unstable Docile Haste 2 Some people like to eat wake up and eat these before they gogo.
God Wheat (edit) God Wheat Soul Earthy Brightness I 1 Stable Docile Cure Disease 2 No other wheat even comes close! And that's not really saying a lot.
Gusto Grub (edit) Gusto Grub Life Savory Passion II 2 Stable Docile Charisma 3 A wiggly, mushy little bundle of love.
Hyper Dung (edit) Hyper Dung Energy Savory Swiftness III 2 Unstable Docile Agility 4 It's poop.
Hyper Dung.png
Klaphat Sample (edit) Klaphat Sample Energy Earthy Swiftness IV 3 Stable Hostile Strength 6 Klaphats are an invasive, aggressive and barely sentient species from the north.
Life Lemon (edit) Life Lemon Life Sweet Passion III 2 Stable Docile Healing 4 When lemon gives you life...
Mageroot (edit) Mageroot Mind Earthy Lucidity I 1 Stable Docile Mana 2 A mind-altering little root that grows in the most unlikely places - which grealy amuses mages. No one knows why.
Mama Longfangs (edit) Mama Longfangs Death Savory Deadliness II 2 Stable Docile Antivenom 3 Also known as the mother of all spiders...which of course is factually incorrect.
Mandrake Bud (edit) Mandrake Bud Mind Bland Lucidity III 2 Unstable Hostile Rejuvenation 4 The buds of a mandrake are actually much more potent than the root...and less loud.
Noxious Seed (edit) Noxious Seed Death Bland Deadliness III 2 Unstable Hostile Poison 4 All that remains from an exploding Noxious Bulb.
Proudcap (edit) Proudcap Life Earthy Passion I 1 Stable Docile Vitality 2 Slightly longer and much prouder than the average shroom.
Psyche Tick (edit) Psyche Tick Mind Savory Lucidity II 2 Unstable Docile Levitation 3 These little nasty bastards feed on your mind instead of your blood.
Throbheart (edit) Throbheart Life Savory Passion IV 3 Unstable Docile Love 6 Pulses and throbs like a beating heart. Beautiful and disgusting at the same time - again, like a heart. Bubbling Bog
White Knight (edit) White Knight Soul Savory Brightness II 2 Stable Docile Brief Invulnerability 3 Just as pure, but not as robust as the name would suggest.
Wigglecup Tendril (edit) Wigglecup Tendril Life Savory Passion V 4 Stable Hostile Enlargement 8 It's still wiggling... Harvested from aggressive wigglecup which grow near witch's hats found in the Forgotten Forest.
Wigglecup Tendril.png
Wisp Egg (edit) Wisp Egg Soul Savory Brightness V 4 Stable Docile Resistance 8 To think that these small capsules will one day turn into pure, innocent wisps...anyway, let's boil them. Forgotten Forest
Wisp Egg.png
Witch’s Hat (edit) Witch's Hat Death Earthy Deadliness V 4 Stable Hostile Lift Curse 8 A typical example of witch stereotypes. Not all witches wear pointy hats! Forgotten Forest
Witch's Hat.png
Withersap (edit) Withersap Death Bland Deadliness IV 3 Unstable Hostile Cat's Eye 6 Sticky, smelly and poisonous. What's not to love? Bubbling Bog