View table: Customers

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Table structure:

  1. Name - String
  2. HeroClass - String
  3. Description - Text
  4. Portrait - File

This table has 6 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Name HeroClass Description Portrait
Barb (edit) Barb Druid Preferring the company of beats. Barb is not exactly a people person. When she is not tending to an injured animal, she likes berry picking and sleeping. That`s it.
Cecil (edit) Cecil Paladin Cecil is just holier than thou. Cecil knows it. You know it. Everyone knows it. As a champion of light, Cecil deserves the finer things in life - and you should praise the heavens that you get to supply them.
Chunk (edit) Chunk Barbarian Chunk has a mind as pure as a toddler - however, he also has the temper of one. He loves songs and theatre just as much as he loves smashing things together. Sometimes those things are inanimate objects, sometimes they are orcs.
Hazel (edit) Hazel Rogue Not much is known about Hazel and that's the way she likes it. Most people do not even notice when she enters the room, but those that do always check their pockets when she leaves.
Zambie (edit) Zambie Necromancer Descending from a long line of death worshipers, Zambie has a log if spiritual baggage. She is always in the market for chickens or other death offerings. Whatever you do, do not mention Cecil the paladin
Zen (edit) Zen Wizard Former magic professor turned adventurer, Zen is living (for now) proof that it is never too late to get back out there. His favorite pastime is complaining about high prices and telling anecdotes that everyone has already heard before.