View table: Abilities

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Table structure:

  1. Name - String
  2. Description - Text
  3. Icon - File
  4. ObtainedType - String
  5. ObtainedBy - Page

This table has 6 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Name Description Icon ObtainedType ObtainedBy
Blink Nova (edit) Blink Nova Teleport forward and release a herb slicing, tree chopping or mineral crushing nova degpending on your current tool.
Origin Wizard
Heavy Slam (edit) Heavy Slam Heavy Slam Description
Tool Gilded Pick
I'm A Lumberjack (edit) I'm A Lumberjack I'm A Lumberjack Description
Tool Lumberjack's Axe
Raging Whirlwind (edit) Raging Whirlwind Repeatedly swing your current tool around in circles, hitting everything multiple times.
Roll (edit) Roll Roll Description
Tool Griselda's Sickle
Shadowstrike (edit) Shadowstrike Cloak yourself in shadow, dash around attacking every visible herb patch, tree or mineral deposit depending on your current tool before returning to where you started.
Origin Rogue