Player Origins

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The player can choose from a selection of classes for the their character to be. Each class grants a unique perk and ability.

Available classes

There are currently 6 playable classes:


UI menu originsymbols barbarian.png
Oh so strong! Well, you used to be at least. Your big shiny muscles were the talk of the town.
And while being bedridden all this time in a bed has made you weaker, you are still better than others at smashing things.
Origin Perk
Icons Perks YouSmash.pngYou Smash!
Increased damage done to herbs, trees and minerals.
Origin Ability
Icons Abilities RagingWhirlwind.pngRaging Whirlwind
Repeatedly swing your current tool around in circles, hitting everything multiple times. (Every 0.5 seconds for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 60 seconds.)


UI menu originsymbols rogue.png
Wow you are really edgy! Back in the day, you were virtually invisible even in broad daylight, thanks to your super ninja stealth skills and your tendency to wear all black.
Now everyone sees you from a mile away. Luckily, some of your agility and acrobatics have stayed with you.
Origin Perk
Icons Perks ThiefsAgility.pngThief's Agility
Increased run speed.
Origin Ability
Icons Abilities Shadowstrike.pngShadowstrike
Cloak yourself in shadow, dash around attacking every visible herb patch, tree or mineral deposit depending on your current tool before returning to where you started.


UI menu originsymbols wizard.png
We get it. You are really, really smart, and it is important to you that other people know it.
Thanks to your big brain, you can use abilities more often. And although you still know how to teleport around, your days of throwing magic missiles and fireballs left and right are over.
Origin Perk
Icons Perks BigBrain.pngBig Brain
Reduced ability cooldowns.
Origin Ability
Icons Abilities BlinkNova.pngBlink Nova
Teleport forward and release a herb slicing, tree chopping or mineral crushing nova degpending on your current tool.


UI menu originsymbols paladin.png
Healing the sick and standing up for the weak! Yeah, that used to be you. Now it is a miracle you are able to stand up at all.
But your unbreakable will remains strong! No one can take a beating like you can, champ.
Origin Perk
Holy Fortitude
Increased knockout resistance.
Origin Ability
Shield Charge
Charge forward with your current tool, damaging all matching resources in your path and fully recover from any harm.


UI menu originsymbols druid.png
A true tree-hugger at heart. Nature was your closest ally, plants were under your control, animals came to your aid and the very forest itself would heal your wounds.
But all of that has really taken a dive after your long indoor hibernation. However, you still retain a small connection to nature allowing you to shapeshift into a fox.
Origin Perk
Plant Whisperer
More herbs found when gathering.
Origin Ability
Fox Form
Transform into a fast moving fox that is ignored by aggressive flora.


UI menu originsymbols necromancer.png
Not even death was out of your reach! You summoned armies of the undead and communed with spirits. Now, without those powers, you kinda just come off a bit gloomy and dramatic.
At least you still have Merry - your trusty, lovable and mostly friendly undead sidekick...or what is left of them at least.
Origin Perk
Glowing Skull
When outside, you summon Merry, who lights up your environment.
Origin Ability
Command Skull
Order Merry to harvest resources matching your currently held tool.